Prime Ventures Corporation, a sister company of Greison Storage Mart, maintains commercial and office suites for your business in Newnan, GA and Coweta County.
Grow your business in a prime location in Newnan GA. Call our commercial leasing department for more information or to schedule a tour of Newnan's premier commercial and office suites at 770-328-7279 or email us at
Cates Crossing, 931 Lower Fayetteville Road, Newnan, GA 30263
Great location and plenty of parking
Located less than 1 mile from the site of the new Cancer Treatment Centers of America Hospital, Cates Crossing features a beautiful brick exterior with commercial storefronts paired with plenty of ground level parking.
Premier commercial and office suites starting from 1,400 SQFT plus. features include:
770-251-6537 Greison | 770-251-2661 LFR
Office Hours
Standard Gate Hours
Sundays & Holidays 9:00am-6:00pm Select Locations
Late access is available